The map of your marketing program


The map of your marketing program


Membership card for your establishment or organization


Map of your commune, municipality, local authority


Loyalty, club, benefits, privileges, partners


A guest card, membership card, invitation ticket to the event...


Integrate Eldo Wallet into your solutions


Strengthen employee relations

Simply connect to your customers
Car dealers,
2-wheelers, garages, independent car centers or networks...

Thanks to eldo wallet, a 100% web-based platform, create and dematerialize your business card in the wallet of your prospects' or customers' smartphones.

Access a mobile marketing channel, create engagement, develop your VN, VO, equipment, parts and after-sales activities.

Book your personalized demo,
and experience an eldo wallet journey  
What can you dematerialize
and send to your customers' smartphone wallet?
👉 Dematerialize in your customers'
mobile wallet

- The card of your local marketing program or network (loyalty, club, advantage, after-sales...)

- Warranty card, or warranty extension: e.g. used vehicle

- The Open House PASS card: generate leads and be at the heart of your prospects' cell phones

- The BtoB driver card

👉 You simplify life for your customers and your teams

- Access to useful information in card details in the wallet (contacts, online appointments, invoice history, etc.)

- Access to information useful for care*.

👉 Your establishment's card in your customers' mobile wallet ... an effective mobile marketing channel opens up to you!

- Create a flow in your after-sales workshops: send discount coupons, sales offer information, service reminder notifications*.

- Surprise your customers in the run-up to vehicle renewal: notification with video link

- Enrich the relationship: send SMART push notifications with tips, useful information: interview reflexes, legislation, video check ...

- Personalize your operations by targeting your selection criteria*.

*With Eldo CRM push option or connection to your CRM via Eldo Wallet API

👉 All without developing a mobile app. You use Apple applications, google wallet
Send push notifications notifications to your customers customer journeys, enrich the relationship👌

Your customers receive an alert message on their mobile via notification. 

You can tell them about a special offer (promotion, sale, etc.) whenever you want, or when they're near your establishment.

By connecting eldo wallet to your tools, or using eldo CRM, you can inform them when the context calls for it: receipt of an order, reminder of an end-of-subscription deadline, satisfaction survey, or simply a piece of advice.

eldo wallet mobile wallet card
The features and benefits of eldo wallet in 2'21
Play video
👉 Why connect to your customers' mobile wallet?
Multiple benefits for your customers, your teams, your VN, VO, after-sales, equipment activities...
Massive wallet adoption

The mobile wallet simplifies the lives of over 2 billion users worldwide for everyday use, and within a year there will be 4 billion.

Simplified recruitment for your customers

The wallet is present in 99% of your customers' smartphones. As a result, you no longer need to obtain their consent, as it has already been granted to Apple, Google or Samsung.

Simple and economical

Wallets simplify customer journeys and mobile marketing, without the need to develop and maintain a mobile application. 

All of which makes this wallet channel very economical. 

Efficient and useful for your customers

10x more effective than email or SMS (and 30% less expensive), and extremely simple for your customers and teams.

With your personalized card in their wallet, they have access to the key information you provide.

Develop your digital image

Offering simplified, digital pathways via your users' smartphones is no longer an option.

With the wallet, you're in the game!

Experience the eldo wallet instant experience

Scan the QR Code for the email route

eldo wallet mobile wallet card
Click on this button for the SMS route
Launch and manage your campaigns
eldo wallet Back office, a complete platform for creating, configuring, launching and managing your wallet campaigns in just a few clicks 👉

Accessible from any PC or tablet, the eldo wallet back office solution offers an ergonomic, intuitive interface.

Eldo Wallet - connect to your customers' mobile wallet
Eldo Wallet - connect to your customers' mobile wallet
Launch high-impact campaigns fast
Set up

In just a few clicks, you can set up your campaigns and the documents to be dematerialized in your customers' wallet.


Send out your operations and create engagement thanks to a stimulating journey.


Connect eldo wallet to your CRM, or use eldo wallet CRM for optimized targeting.


Your indicators: dispatch, acquisition, activation to make the best decisions.

Import and segment your customer base to optimize your marketing operations
Prepare and sort your customer base according to your segmentation. Design your segmented operations. Trigger them according to your marketing rules... get into the marketing automation game. Consult your mailing history. Start your actions without IT development!
Car and 2-wheel dealers, independent car centers and networks...
Offers tailored to your needs 👌


Base Pack

Enter the world of the mobile wallet



1 month free trial

* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs





Powerful solution combined with Base Pack


* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs

Need to
talk about
your project
with our



Optimize your marketing actions on a target customer base


* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs

eldo wallet - Marketing platform for your customers' mobile wallet
24h Support & Ticketing
Security & Privacy
eldo wallet - Marketing platform for your customers' mobile wallet
High level of availability
Be contacted and talk to one of our Experts
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eldo wallet 👉

You can also contact us directly by telephone on

Talk to our experts and find out how we can help you deliver the best possible experience. eldo wallet to your customers. How we can simplify your customers' journeys, optimize your mobile digital marketing for better customer engagement and boost your sales.
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