in the mobile wallet of your prospects and customers.
The mobile wallet simplifies the lives of over 2 billion users worldwide for everyday use, and within a year there will be 4 billion.
10x more effective than email or SMS (and 35% less expensive), and extremely simple for your customers and teams. Useful and practical, with your personalized card in their wallet, they have access to the key information you deliver to them.
Offering simplified, digital payment paths via your customers' smartphones is no longer an option. With the wallet, you're in the game!
Wallets simplify customer journeys and mobile marketing, without the need to develop and maintain a mobile application.
All of which makes this wallet channel very economical.
Your customers receive an alert message on their mobile via notification.
You can tell them about a special offer (promotion, sale, etc.) whenever you want, or when they're near your establishment.
By connecting eldo wallet to your tools, or using eldo CRM, you can inform them when the context calls for it: receipt of an order, reminder of an end-of-subscription deadline, satisfaction survey, or simply a piece of advice.
Accessible from any PC or tablet, the eldo wallet back office solution offers an ergonomic, intuitive interface.
In just a few clicks, you can set up your campaigns and the documents to be dematerialized in your customers' wallet.
Send out your operations and create engagement thanks to a stimulating journey.
Your indicators: dispatch, acquisition, activation to make the best decisions.
Enter the world of the mobile wallet
* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs
* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs
* Via connectors - API / Excluding SMS costs
* Set up package: Route design - Tickets - IT - Support connecting to your software: on request
You can also contact us directly by phone on Talk to our experts and find out how we can help you deliver the best eldo wallet experience to your customers. How we can simplify your customers' journeys, optimize your mobile digital marketing for better customer engagement and boost your sales.